Sunday, April 27, 2008

Last night, usha2 Laman Santai @ Istana Budaya. This Laman Santai organize by Ministry Of Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage (KEKWA) every sunday night. A combination of "lepaking", eating and entertainment. Quite nice concept but for me they need to offer more stalls and choices of food la. As last night, the foods very limited but very cheap. Even nasi lemak still being sold at RM1...jarang jumpa dah kat KL la ni. Facility such as fan (maybe if consider mist fan is better) also can be added to provide more comfortable and leisure environment.

Last night at Laman Santai was "pop rock nite" aka rock jiwang 90an.. he he. Starts with Rahmat (Mega), Shamrin (Fotograf) and Bagio (Damasutra), they sang most of their popular songs. Amazingly, their vocals still as good as before, still same as in the records and this impress me considering the minimum sound system quality and surrounding. The MC last night was Ally Iskandar yg as usual bole la....
Apapun, the best parts for me time Bagio start his performance with Sufi (my wish song). This song reminds me to the memory during my childhood and i heard its again this time with mixed emotions. Kat mana la agaknya kawan-kawan time kitaorg suka lagu ni dulu....Jas, Hambali, Baie, Asmadi, Moses, Mus, Aswad, Noh, Heri. Dah berbelas tahun tak r u? wherever u're...all the best in ur life n may happiness always be with u.

Sufi by Damasutra

Sufi selangkah tirai kasihmu ku buka
Engkau serahkan cinta hingga dirimu tiada
Kasih sufi kau rela pilih derita di dunia
Biar rebah di hina kau tak berubah

Kau menguasai selautan
Yang tersembunyi di genggaman
Nafi dan isbat kau sandingkan
Sebagai tali pegangan

Sufi kau hilang di pandangan
Ada di dalam kenikmatan
Engkau dan dia pasti tidak akan terpisah

Andai tertutup tirai sufi
Yang terang tidak nampak terang
Inilah siksa menyakitkan sepanjang jalan

Inginku tempuh titianmu
Dari kekasih ke kekasih
Pengabdianku bersamamu kasih
Biar rebah di hina kau tak berubah

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Blue Ocean

A busy starts with a phone call on the Monday morning.

After a little discussion through the phone, met them at 36th floor..... my plan for the day totally changed. Then, i went to KL Convention Center (Convex) for the rehearsal and only managed to run to Suria KLCC at 7.30 pm to have dinner with my bro. Lots of discussion about our latest project till 10 pm and then rushing back to my office before going back to home. Tired...

Petronas Twin Tower that night from Convex

I starts my Tuesday with rushing to Convex again for the PNB International Lectures lunching. Our Deputy Prime Minister was there for the ceremony. The 1st lecture in the lecture series is Blue Ocean Strategy by Prof. W. Chan Kim. Any ideas what is "Blue Ocean Strategy" ? you can clicks the link at every "Blue Ocean Strategy" words and find its out yourselves. If you have interest in finance/ management , believe me..... it worth to clicks.

I have a very good session with Prof. W. Chan Kim that day. A combination of the best topic, lecturer and moderator (Amir Mahmood Razak from ASTRO Awani). This just the 1st lecture in the series, we have another session with other lecturers until October.

The luncheon at the ballroom very nice but i not really enjoy it due to on duty. We then having our lunch at the banquet with the western menu but its just out of my taste....nyesal tak lunch betul2 at the ballroom.

Actually , i want to post lots more about the day, the lecture etc but the tight schedule limits me. Maybe i'll talk about that later. Nite.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

MSAM 2008

Tarikh 20 April sepanjang 5 tahun yang lepas mmg hari yg sibuk. Tarikh ni mmg dah diwartakan hari perasmian MSAM. Selalunya, time ni tgh kalut coz hr perasmian by PM, vip n visitors paling ramai. Weekend lak tu.

Apapun, today 20 April 2008, i not feel the same thing again....still berada di luar KL tp kat my kampung, tgh berehat dgn tenang he he. Kat paper hari ni ada "jacket" MSAM....tu yg teringat kat kawan2 kat sana....rsnya cam biasa la kat sana mesti best n meriah. Cuma....cukuplah 5 tahun, buat sementara waktu nak berehat dulu (mungkin gak stop terus kot). Keadaan kat opis tak mengizinkan nak terus aktif kegiatan2 luar camni, lagipun kena bg peluang kat org lain gak rs pengalaman yg serupa.

Stigma staff2 yg x pernah joint, 2 minggu at MSAM ni time biarlah ramai org berpeluang rasa "enjoy" tu. Bukan senang nak handle big event camni, tp 1 thing yg paling penting....teamwork. My previous team selalunya mmg best...keja teruk, penat tp coz geng best...layan. Masalah tu biasalah tp tak jadi hal as long as co reputation n imej bagus di mata masy....cewah ayat.... poyo?? its true....ramai dlm team MSAM ni bagus2...sanggup ketepikan perbezaan pendapat n fokus pd nak pastikan this event berjaya....pastinya dorang ni antaranya org2 penting kat tkt 25 tu.

Buat ms ni, i just boleh doakan semuanya berjalan lancar n sukses cam selalu. Now, i know how the feeling time MSAM tp kita takde kat situ.....and the feeling feeling at all...period!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hani from Kolej Shahputra

Sarah from UiTM Sarawak

Fariz from Unitar

Sarah & Hani with their successors

3 lagi practical students kat my dept habis hari ni. Dalam tempoh lebih 5 thn keje kat sini, dah berpuluh-puluh practical students grad n ada antaranya kami dah tak boleh ingat dah. Kena belek2 fail baru boleh cam.

Start last year kami dah buat polisi baru (polisi main2 je), last day practical student, kami akan tangkap gambar dorang siap tulis nama with tempoh pratikal.....gambar2 tu then letak kat dlm shared folder....senang nk refer.

Oklah, to Hani, Sarah & Fariz ( actually fariz dah habis dlm 2 minggu lepas).....thank you very much. Hope u all enjoy kerja ngn kami n dpt blaja somethings instead of nak penuhkan requirement course je. Sori la kalau ada silap n salah. Good luck in your future undertaking. Caiyok!!! (korang suka kan word ni he he...siap lekat kat PC nampak).

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today, start pakai jam baru gift from our company to all staffs sempena 30 tahun penubuhannya tahun ni. As officer in charge yg handle purchasing jam ni, so kena la pakai, selain appreciate co kasik, kena la test tengok tahan ke tak, prob ke etc.

Masa process purchasing hari tu , dalam banyak2 design, dr awal lagi dah berkenan design yg ni, mmg hepi la bila mgt pun pilih this design. Hope this watch elok la dr jam 25 tahun yg kami terima dulu. Kalau feedback ok, lega....kalau tak, entahlah. Yg pasti bukan senang nak puaskan hati semua org...biaq pi la.

Hari ni pun J Card Day Jusco Wangsa Maju, annual shopping event yg dah 4 tahun tak pernah miss....tahle rasa mmg berbaloi sgt shopping waktu J Card Day. Cuma J Card day kat W Maju la. Tmpt lain cam tak brapa suka sket, mungkin kena try dulu kot. Papun cukup la sethn sekali shopping sakan camni, byk2 kali kang kopak jugak la kan...he he.

Setiap kali J Card Day mmg tak pernah pikir sgt, pejam mata je....suka, ambik, byr. Punyalah sakan, datang kul 8 lebih, keluar dr Jusco kul 4 g kerja la. Balik umh, trus masing2 flat. This yr, g dgn geng yg lain lak, but still jumpa beberapa muka yg sama cam last yr....yg takde heemi n yazid je. This yr tambah faizal, pijot, my girl n my sis.........rsnya u all hepi kan? nnti kita g ramai2 lagi ye he he....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Feeling exhausted.....not in good mood :( Today just Tuesday....lmbtnya....this week not really a good week. Lots of things to do.....kepala serabut, macam2 karenah manusia nak dilayan. Anger?? fed up??? hatred??....i must handle it properly....hope so.

Why life this hard??? then i realise, apalah sgt cabarannya jika dibandingkan dgn sedara di Palestin, rakyat Iraq, warga Afgan etc....

Insyaallah bole layan le benda remeh temeh ni, baru pressure keje pun. Ingat nak main squash hilangkan tension, tgk keje atas meja x siap lagi terus tukar plan nak clearkan meja dulu esok dah kena dtg awal nak handle meeting kul 8.30....main squash kang letih sgt lak. Papun, posting kat blog ni pun kira 1 treatment gak le nak hilangkan tension.

Tengahari td dpt buat terapi minda....he KLCC cari brg. Seronok gak sesekali dpt berlakon kaya shopping kat Dunhill, Louis Vuitton & Hermes. Kalau harapkan duit sendiri buat ms ni tak mungkin la shopping kat situ....1 fine day maybe ...insyaallah. Walaupun berkenan kat beberapa brg kat situ tp berangan je la dulu....poyo2 beli brg padahal untuk kira ok jugaklah kan. Ni beberapa brg yg diusha utk diri sendiri tp dibeli untuk org lain huhuhu....

Jam yg diminati ni pun dah rega RM9000++.....huhu
Dah lunch hour so terus gerak ke food court (sambil terpikir...lawaklah, bwk shopping bag brg2 branded tp makan kat food court) tetiba tgh jalan ada lak hamba Allah ni jerit my rezeki betul...ada org nak belanja kat Madam Kwan's lak....alhamdulillah.

Masuk2 je dlm MK, dok kat sebelah kami, ada la sorang Datuk ni with his family....kami kenal gak le dia, so dia tegur kami n ada dasar hormat kita pun bertegur sapa la kejap. I as usual tiap kali ke MK mesti tibai Nasi Bojari n Ice Lemon Tea. Tgh2 makan, Datuk td dtg ke meja kami n berbual lagi lebih kurang sebelum dia chow dr MK....this Datuk mmg 'down to earth' punya org, tarak sombong.

Lepas Nasi Bojari, order lak dessert goreng pisang with ice cream. Erm...habis la diet aku. Sampai masa nak byr bil tgk2 Datuk td dah byrkan bil kami....lah....tak dpt pun nak ucapkan terima kasih kat dia.....masing2 mula pikir mana nak cari no hp dia nak ckp tima kasih....isk isk isk.....tulah, nak kata my life too hard, i have and meet lots of wonderful persons......alhamdulillah.....moga yg baik berterusan (pinjam tagline Lipton).

Papun thanks Datuk YYY, Ma'am XXX n Kak ZZZ for the best lunch. Hope 1 day bole makan2 smbil gossip2 kat MK lg yek :-P

note : maklumat tertentu terpaksa dirahsiakan atas dasar PNC.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Malam td ke Seremban for MIM wedding. Actually, "M" kat depan tu saja je tambah dr nick IM he he....dia pernah tanya kami MIM tu saper?? biasalah im ni, lurus orgnya. Malas nak drive sorang2 so tumpang faizal n family, gerak dr Kinrara pun dah pukul 8 so sampai kat Tuanku Jaafar Golf & Country Resort dekat kul 9, doa untuk pengantin tgh dibacakan...sori la im kami lmbt tp kami dtg gak kannnn...

Keadaan mlm td kurang mengizinkan nk snap gambar sgt so all this pictures from majlis nikah n bersanding belah pompuan kat Hotel Flamingo yg im e-mail to me last thursday. Hari tu kami sempat chat kat internet n for e 1st time sejak kenal im, terasa mamet ni tgh hepi gila sejak bergelar suami...he he...tahniah le MIM.

Oklah im & hawa, selamat pengantin baru, moga berbahagia ke anak cucu....ameen.

p/s : lagu rock ms video clip im & hawa tayang mlm td kat wedding ni mmg gempak habis, 1st time la org buat camtu....kira ko pecah tradisi la bro....isk isk isk....haibat...haibat...takpelah, knowing im......

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Last night received sms from Norra "Alhamdulillah, baby boy seberat 3.6kg telah selamat dilahirkan pada pkl 9.45pm tadi secara normal. Ibu dan baby sihat dan sedang berehat di ampang puteri".

Syukurlah akhirnya Norra selamat menimang cahayamata pertama mlm td. Norra antara kwn pompuan my batch kat opis yg paling kamcing. Actually, sejarah persahabatan kami sgt klasik malah kami interview pd hr yg sama, medical check up keje kat Gleaneagles pd masa yg sma dan macam2 lagi la. Masa Norra pregnant, kami selalu le jugak bercerita pasai baby dia yg konon-kononnya dah kira cam my anak angkat he he.

Masuk kerja pg td sempat contact member2 n plan visit Norra ms lunch tp bila time lunch je akhirnya just me n faizal je yg available. Mmg baby Norra ni luar biasa besornya....3.6 kg, patut la azab sgt Norra bwk budak ni dlm perut he he. Oh ye, Norra & Bard namakan their 1st baby ni Johan Hazimi.....moga membesar bagai JOHAN ye....mesti jd good boy ok. Ni gambar Johan Hazimi masa umur less than 1 day...tak mcm budak umur sehari kan?