Monday, March 31, 2008

Halu....happy birthday to you.

Today is my "Yoo Rin" bufday but i unable to celebrate it due to other commitment. Thanks dear for the understanding and hope we can celebrate it later...insyaallah.

"Joo Yoo Rin" is the heroin name in our favourite K series MY GIRL. In the series, the hero will bought birthday gift for his girl every time the snow starts falling bcoz they do not know exactly when the birth date for the girl....too bad. Not everybody are lucky as we are right?

Ok, now lets layan among the best moments in MY GIRL. I already finish the 16th CD of the series and consider this series as the best K series so far i ever watched.....( its maybe because of the superb soundtrack as well). When you see Yoo Rin hold the 'bola kaca bersalji", it is her 'bday gift' from her Gong Chan.

My dear, do u want the same "bola kaca bersalji" for your bday?....we not have snow here lah...and i never need the snow to remember u kan :-P. Anyway....happy bday MY GIRL, MY YOO RIN.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

29th Mac 2008/ 8 - 9 PM

How can you take a stand against global warming - the greatest treat our planet has ever faced? Simply be part of the Earth Hour Campaign. Earth Hour use the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

Turn your lights off for one hour and see the difference you can make. Be part of making Earth Hour 2008 a huge, global success by telling your friends and family. Remember, every single light makes a statement and makes a difference.

Registering your support for Earth Hour 2008 and committing to turning off your lights for one hour at 8pm 29 March 2008. You’ve taken the first step in showing the world that you care enough about global warming to take action.

Click here to link to Earth Hour page

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New title

Change this blog title from "Moving Forward" to "This Is My World, My Territory...". Change also the template for more classic looks.

No other justifications, it's just happen :-P

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hooooray!! Kimi Raikkonen wins F1 Sepang race just a few minutes ago. It has been so long i not really have time to follow e F1 race (also because of other few factors in the F1 itself that discourage me from the race). But now, it is the right time and the right scenario to me to start follow its again. erm...but its still depends to.....

Whatever e reasons, just hope Kimi will keep up the good work (1979 born spirits yeah!!).

>>need to rush back to KL..ciao.

Visit : or

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Untuk thn ke 2 berturut-turut join Perhimpunan Maulidur Rasul di Bukit Jalil. This time dh pindah to Kinrara so gerak sendiri je dari rumah n joint our group at parking Stadium Hoki. The night b4 Roslan, our ketua kontinjen sms ajak naik bas (ada 3 bas dr opis) tp malas la nak gerak pukul 6 lebih ke opis n ke BJ then patah balik ke opis then balik Kinrara, cam takde kerja padahal dr umh ke BJ dalam 10 minit je.

The event start with perarakan (lelaki aje) sambil berselawat from parking Stad Hoki ke Stad Putra. Sampai Stad Putra tengok2 ada kesilapan teknikal. Tempat duduk kami diambik Jab. Perdana Menteri. So, Roslan decide all of us can go home now (it's just 9++ am). Apara....this time mcm2 masalah, me myself sendiri bila fitting bj melayu yg ditempah, tgk2 baju tu besar. Mujur bila pakai ngn sampin tak obvious sgt. Nak alter x sempat dah...terpaksa la pakai dulu n nanti hantar balik..huhu.

Sbb dtg sendiri, so i just ronda2 Stad Putra tgk2 suasana. Nak cr tmpt duduk sendiri cam malas + lapar. Last2 lepak kat food court je ngn member2 opis b4 balik. Tahle, ingat boleh menghayati event tu tp nmpaknya takde rezeki. Balik umah.....tido la, apalagi he he.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Masih about Korean Series...this is about The Coffee Prince. Citer ni tak abis lagi tayang kat tv...dalam 5 episode lagi nak abis....layan kat 8TV.Malas nak buat details review about this series, cukuplah simple2 je. So, about jalan ceritanya - biasa, soundtrack - tak berapa tp what makes me layan jugak coz props cerita ni cantik. The coffee shop, studio apartment the lead actor, rumah sepupu dia, rumah gf sepupu dia semuanya nampak kelasss....kadang2 tu scene kat dapur (dah la dapur cantik) ada lak props basikal...kagum la ha ha.This time from the series, ada "moral of the story" (hah..jarang2 la cerita korea ada). It is about "kenapa ada rahsia?/ kenapa ada perkara yang kita tak dimaklumkan atau diberitahu langsung atau lambat diberitahu?". Dalam drama ni the lead actor tak diberitahu/ lmbt diberitahu 2 rahsia. 1st - perempuan yg dia jatuh cinta, menyamar jd lelaki utk kerja, sara keluarga and 2nd - dia anak angkat.

Rahsia: Ada rahsia yang akan diberitahu bila sampai masa yg sesuai. Kalau tak diberitahu langsung maybe org yang simpan rahsia tu ada sebab tak bocorkan rahsia tu......dlm kata lain, takde apa2 kebaikan pun kalau rahsia tu didedahkan....n mungkin lagi byk keburukannya.

Moral of the story: terima jelah kalau org berahsia dgn kita n respect la keputusan dia nak terus berahsia atau lambat nak bgtau rahsia tu. Tak faham?? try la layan series Coffee Prince ni from episod tengah2. Tgk dari awal kang lagi confuse coz ada isu so"sial"..... he he he.

Still about rahsia. Hari ni masuk kerja dpt email from amir (my ex-housemate) ajak lunch sama, kononnya ada surprise....actually dpt agak la surprisenya. My long lost friend kirim his wedding card through amir yg baru balik S'pore smlm. I should be hepi tp rs kesal le jugak coz sejak sethn transfer ke S'pore mamet sorang ni mmg dah out terus from our radar.

5 years berkawan, we not only create friendship but brotherhood tp dlm tempoh sethn ni, puas kami try contact dia...x pernah dpt, tau dia balik KL, cari tak jumpa...khabar dia pun tau dr org yg terserempak ngn dia je. Mungkin dia nak rahsiakan wedding dia, tp for me no more secret coz i know dia bertunang etc. I just keep my mouth shut sbb nak dgr dr dia sendiri cam lain2 good news yg dia pernah share dgn kami dulu.

Masa tau tarikh wedding dia ingatkan dia tak jemput kami...mujur amir ke S'pore n singgah opis dia...kalau tak ntah le. Papun takpelah, dia mungkin ada alasan sendiri.....we should forgive n forget. Kami pun dah masak ngn perangai dia...bwk byk2 bersabar jelah. Yang penting selepas 8 tahun bercinta, akhirnyanya kahwin...alhamdulillah.

So, selamat pengantin baru dude. Semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu. Insyaallah, i will come. It's your big day kan....mesti le nak tgk kawan "sengal" aku ni naik pelamin he he.

My girl

My girl is a title of a Korean TV Series. Before this (on 2006) ditayangkan at 8TV pukul 8.30 pm but now ditayangkan pukul 4 pm on Sat & Sun. I never bother about this series before but now start suka walaupun tgk sekali sekala je. Why? its start with the soundtrack.

Lebih kurang setahun lepas, i download a few Asia songs without knowing the singer or the history. Just try to listen and if ok, i will keep it, if not, no prob just delete it. Then, when i listen to the song title "Never Say Goodbye" and "Sarangeun", i just really like it, burn it into CD and became my favourite songs when driving. The "Sarangeun" then became my alarm clock tone. Even though not understand the languange, the rhythm for the songs really nice and catchy...till now (for me).

One day, maybe last month...on weekend, i heard "Sarangeun" on TV and when watch was in "My Girl" series. OMG, i sometimes thought the song could be a Thai song but never in my mind it is a korean song...ha ha. Yelah, dlm TV cerita korea tp dah alih suara to mandarin, mana la cam sgt bahasa korea nih. Then, i remember my sis pernah sebut it is My Girl OST tp i tak amik port pun. Start from that, watch the series and find out citer ni bole lyn gelak, lots of fun....ok la nak release stress. Part sedih, jiwang2 tu wajib la kalu dah namanya love story kan. Erm..nampaknya kena beli DVD dia la....erm....erm...

Ok, this time no review about this series just want the share the MV for the best ever Korean TV Series OST....lets listen to "Never Say Goodbye" and "Sarangeun". Alamak, lupa lak kat OST Winter Sonata, Fullhouse, The Green Rose...erm actually byk lg OST yg best yg jd favourite gak....wuteverla.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Myra bufday actualy on 7th Mac but due to unforeseen circumstances the party only be held today.

Oh ye...Myra is my member kamcing daughter aka Faizal daughter. Faizal byk kali remind me to block today date special for Myra. So of course, i will. Start dari bujang, hari nikah, jadi best man kat Selayang & Setiawan, Myra lahir....i jarang miss Faizal & family special days so of course kali ni pun takleh miss jugak..The party at Function Room, Tuu Dia...Restoran Pak Tam at Selayang. Because it is a lunch party so makanannya pun buffet lunch la. Lauk pauk sgt la best coz ada my favourite kari ikan tenggiri, ayam goreng rempah, tom yam, ulam2 etc. Cuma bila terlmbt sampai coz sesat so org dah abis makan, i just makan ala kadar je...segan. Mujur Yusman ada at least tak le mati kutu sgt.Camne boleh sesat, sebenornya mmg tak biasa sgt area selayang ni. Papun dlm tersesat tu sempat le khayal jap tgk environment kat situ masih agak aman n tenteram nak cari sebijik umh je kat situ. Sesat punya sesat smpai ke Hutan Lipur Kancing.... teringat lak dulu zaman study kat Dungun, time cuti sem kalau lepak KL geng2 rajin la ajak mandi manda kat situ huhu...miss those day la.

Oh ye, back tu Myra Besday, time pikir apa nak kasi hadiah kat Myra tu problem sket, i'm not really good when looking for present/gift even premium items, gifts and souvenirs ni salah satu sector under my job scope. Hemm...selalunya kalau bagi hadiah kat org, pilih benda yg praktikal, boleh pakai bukannya just jd perhiasan tp Myra just umur setahun. Akhirnya fikir2 dpt la benda ni.....takpelah Myra, lain kali uncle kasi lg yg lain yek he he...HaPPy BIrtHday MyRA from UnCLE NajIB & AunTY IRa.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sabtu.....hari untuk berehat. 2, 3 hari yg lepas mmg hari yg sgt sibuk, tiap2 hari balik rumah dah lewat malam...ada je hal. Last Thursday, gi ke Masjid Wilayah, ada tahlil kesyukuran my company 30th anniversary. Lepas keje, bas dh tunggu depan opis, so gerak ramai2. Coz smpai awal, kitaorg lepak2 dulu kat food court sambil bergossip...ha ha.

Lepas isyak, ada jamuan, lama dah tak joint jamuan kat masjid sambil dok bersila ramai2 cam ni, sekali sekala, seronok jugak. Food mlm tu mmg sedap...knowing D'Saji tak heran la. I really enjoy the kari ayam & isi ikan bercili....Alhamdulillah.

Back to about "my lonely planet" aka rumahku, syurgaku. Hari cuti cam ni la time paling lama dapat lepak kat my lonely planet ni...beshnya. Sedar x sedar dh 8 bln dok sini. Alhamdulillah, makin rs selesa even still rindukan rumah sewa kat Keramat dulu..huhu. 4 thn dok sana bkn senang bila nak move out. Apapun this my own house, kecik tp mencukupi. Buat masa ni, this my welcome to my life. As intro, this is my tempat berkubang..
Suasana mmg disengajakan suram & romantik he he. Baca dlm mag, mood kat umh perlu lain dr opis supaya kita bole rs relaks. So, i choose this suram2 alam concept utk ketenangan ha ha. Lepak sini best coz angin kuat, cam dok kat tepi pantai so bila tgk luar bole la berangan pandang "laut"...har har har. Alamak, rindu la kat ombak jahat.

Yang kat bawah ni tmpt duduk fav tiap2 kali smpai umh/ nak pakai stokin ms gi keje/ ms nak "bergayut". Kira bole layan la tmpt ni...

and this last pic is my kitchen that tmpt i mengasah bakat memasak lebih kurang dlm sebulan skali. Paling kerap, masak air, buat scramble egg and goreng kepok...he he.

Other private areas, next time be continue.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Duyung, antara movie melayu terbaru. Frankly , mulanya masa bc promosi2 tentang duyung mmg excited nak tgk. Lakonan Maya Karin...high expectation, tambah plak this JV KRU Films with GBSB. Lepas success with Cicakman mmg tertunggu la next karya KRU....semangat nak support local act lah konon.

Unfortunately, bila movie ready nak tayang tgk2 directornya n hero...terus semangat tu pudar. Lah...camne lak KRU bole buat citer ni jd lawak....kecewa la. Ingatkan citer serius, tak kira la sad/ hepi ending...kalau sad ending maybe boleh meletup cam Titanic ke? hah..mana tau. Ada ke reason coz market skg suka citer lawak?? suka hati la, duit korang, untung rugi pun korang.

Bukannya tak suka kat sang director and si hero tp based produk2 lepas.....hemmm so and so jelah. Takpelah....kita pun busy, kalau confident tu kuat, maybe gagah jugak. Cam Anak Halal hr tu, dpt gak tgk even dah last2 screening. Citer ni dpt press review pun out so trus xde semangat. Sorry Maya. I'll be waiting for your next product.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tajuk diatas tiada kaitan langsung ngan main entry. Just tgh pikir tajuk entry ni teringat pernah dengar tajuk this Indon Movie. So far tak pernah tgk ceritanya tp rasanya teen love story cam Apa Ada Dengan Cinta (AADC). Citer ni kuar just after AADC tp x popular sgt.

AADC dulu pernah jd fenomena kat M'sia during my "remaja" time...he he. Ms tu baru start keje n training MT, gi OBS. My batch suka bangat kat OST ni..full album besh...time tu la kami kenal Dian Sastrowardoyo n Nicholas Saputra. Yg tak tahannya, ramai la time tu yg mengaku jd Rangga (watak Nicholas Saputra) termasuk la my adik sepupu yg tetiba simpan rambut panjang. Punya la kronik sampai kat computer lab pun kitaorg pakat layan VC OST AADC coz Norra x jemu2 ngn citer ni, ms berkayak ke Pangkor pun pakat nyanyi OST citer ni..hilangkan boring. Erm mcm2 la...sweet memories.

I still have e VCD & OST citer ni and still bole layan he he. Paling tak lupa kat umah sewa dulu, kami siap ada sorang satu VCD movie ni....malu kalau hingat balik. Cam tak caye syahir pun bole layan OST AADC. Ok, lets layan among the best track dlm OST AADC with title Puisi Tentang Seseorang. From this song la Dian tetiba featuring dlm lagu Alhamdulillah ( Too Phat & Yasin) and then bla bla.....the story goes on (yg tau tu tau la). Papun, my personal fav track Tentang Seseorang by Padi...tak pernah jemu coz cam ada kena mengena je (poyo he he).

Ok, ok...sebenar nak buat entry ttg fall in love with Microsoft Office 2007. I just received my new Desktop PC. Puas tunggu akhirnya dpt juga desktop baru with bigger screen (17 inch je tp ok la). This new desktop comes with MO 2007. Before this guna MO 2002 so bila upgrade ni memula cam sangap la juga but then after 1 day try...yea,yea...i'm in love with it. Rasa buat keje lg semangat la, layout cantek, features best....cayalah. So, pas ni kalau tak rajin gak buat keje tak tau lah, dah la dlm 5 thn keje dpt 3 dh desktop, apa lg nak to motivate me....ok, i'm moving forward ok :-P

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Surprise with the election result? me as well never expect that. Of course the result comes with lots of messages from the people. "Protest votes"? maybe......and also shows people esp at the urban areas no more can be "digula-gulakan".

The "tsunami" could be shocking but the decision from the voters must be respected. BN now needs to work harder, more sensitive, more people friendly and looking the people's problem seriously...we will see the outcome. I don't want to comment it further but, for me now there will be more check and balance at the federal level....hope it will be work.

5 states under opposition? This is the time for the opposition to deliver their promises...people will be watching to you now. No more excuses.

Erm, quite interesting....lots to see. Then, the people power will speak again in the next 5 years.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I'm moving...

Move again. This is my new blog (my 3rd blog). No more "takkisah/lantaklah" and now welcome to "najedlife/moving forward". Camne, bersemangat tak?? he he

Kenapa tukar? Jawapannya: saja...rebranding ha ha. Actually, tgh create formal email, calendar etc tp sedar tak sedar the changes ada effect other related areas. So, i have no choice. Sooner or later, maybe kena move jugak. Mmg ada rasa ralat kena move coz syg la kat entry2 lepas...huhu. Takpelah..we move on (ckp pun "moving forward" kan).

Today, the election day (Malaysian 12th General Election). I'm at my just use the free time to online. Jap lagi baru nak mengundi...nak pangkah XXXX.....(ops! undi anda adalah rahsia).

Papun "tak kisah/ lantaklah" still exist....and will be there....cuma no more updates. Biarlah kat situ, sayang nak delete. Blog ni pun tak byk beza ngn "takkisah/lantaklah", adik beradik pun...i just maintain most of the features and layout..nak cepat punya kes. Ok la kan...:-P